The people you invest your time in should demonstrate these 12 behaviours. John C. Maxwell shares that without these critical character traits you are wasting your time putting efforts into people that will never grow beyond where they are today! YES…you are, I know that is hard to hear but it is the truth.
For the people you already mentor or invest in, how many of these twelve factors apply to them? Are there any people in your sphere of influence whom you could mentor or invest in who display these characteristics? If so, what are you prepared to do to invest in them?
- The Influence Factor Do they influence others?
- The Capacity Factor Do they have the potential to grow and develop?
- The Attitude Factor Do they desire to grow and develop themselves?
- The Chemistry Factor Do we like each other?
- The Passion Factor Are they self-motivated?
- The Character Factor Are they grounded?
- The Values Factor Are our values compatible?
- The Teamwork Factor Do they work well with others?
- The Support Factor Do they add value to me?
- The Creative Factor Can they find possibilities in impossibilities?
- The Option Factor Can their contribution give me options?
- The 10 Percent Factor Are they in the top 10 percent of those on our team?
Every Leader want’s to grow others the question really becomes… will your investment pay off?You can’t help everyone achieve their dreams but you certainly can get smart about helping potential Leaders become GREAT at what they do!
As a John C. Maxwell Coach I learned that you only get answers to the questions you ask, and it starts off with asking yourself these questions before you ask others.
If you want to learn more about how to ask purposeful questions I highly encourage you to read the book Good Leaders, Ask Great questions. by John C. Maxwell..this is book will challenge you to get curious and listen. Go on try it!
You can grab a copy here
Enjoy and remember Leaders are Life Learners….