Guide: How to Write a Development Plan

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Course Material

Planning your career is critical if you want to move forward and get promoted. This six-step workbook will help you figure out your next steps and provide a template to use with your team.

There are six essential steps to a successful development plan:

  • Define your personal development goals.
  • Determine the must-have skills.
  • Identify gaps and priorities.
  • Commit to your plan.
  • partner for success.
  • Make it so!

This is the best development planning tool, I have ever seen, in six easy steps get your team focused on their personal development, and be the leader they want! I have used this with many leaders in my career. Every team member wants development even if they don’t say it!

"This is brilliant and so easy to use, I even use it with students — Thanks retailu LOVE it, highly recommend!"

- Calvin Bill, Career Advisor, George Brown College Toronto

Course Modules

Guide: How to Write a Development Plan

DOWNLOAD "Career Planning Workbook" HERE (5 Pages)

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